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Breast Stroke

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Breast Stroke Empty Breast Stroke

Post by cottmiler Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:36 am

As I am helping Bregor improve his B/S and introducing the Crawl, I have found it really interesting to investigate youtubes of the B/S.

I learnt B/S 60 years ago but stopped 20 years ago and was self taught. Books were all we had but they were few and far between. I was pleased to achieve 50% of World Masters pace at that age.

What interests me now is that I can instantly gain useful knowledge from seeing it done by experts on youtubes. Also I see that I homed in on some of the correct techniques just by thinking about the action from a scientific angle.

One of the enduring challenges I recall was how to keep forward momentum rather than stop-start. I have spotted some nice drills I can attempt.


Posts : 460
Join date : 2016-12-07

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Breast Stroke Empty Re: Breast Stroke

Post by SA Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:02 pm

my breaststroke is complete rubbish noweday. especially the legs. Always focussing on keeping them as streamlined as possible in free and back. Cant stand the drag of the bended knees in recovery in breaststroke anymore.
And the movement feels rusty.


Posts : 374
Join date : 2016-12-10

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