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Popov Drill

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Popov Drill Empty Popov Drill

Post by cottmiler Sun Sep 03, 2017 1:49 pm

Following on from the "touch armpit" drill mentioned in the "Chicken Wing Drill" thread, the natural progression is to do the Popov Drill.

I haven,t really been able to do this but today after a kilometer of it I was doing it quite well.

The benefits were:
1) good body balance needed
2) accurate hand catch and pull required
3) quick head return after breathing discipline
4) ability to concentrate on keeping the legs straight rather than foot flapping

The only problem was that owing to the slow pace of these movements I lost a lot of body heat and felt bad afterwards.

Tomorrow, I need to alternate fast laps with it to generate heat.


Posts : 460
Join date : 2016-12-07

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Popov Drill Empty Re: Popov Drill

Post by nightcrawler Mon Sep 04, 2017 1:35 pm

cottmiler wrote:Following on from the "touch armpit" drill mentioned in the "Chicken Wing Drill" thread, the natural progression is to do the Popov Drill.

I haven,t really been able to do this but today after a kilometer of it I was doing it quite well.

The benefits were:
1) good body balance needed
2) accurate hand catch and pull required
3) quick head return after breathing discipline
4) ability to concentrate on keeping the legs straight rather than foot flapping

The only problem was that owing to the slow pace of these movements I lost a lot of body heat and felt bad afterwards.

Tomorrow, I need to alternate fast laps with it to generate heat.
Your streamline is not so good. It will be better for you to strenghten your core by doing streamline drills such like side kick, broken arrow, 6-16 drills. Also your hand is entering the water too near to your head, do a straighter arm recovery, also broken arrow drill or finger tip drag drill will help to improve it.


Posts : 774
Join date : 2016-12-20
Age : 47
Location : Istanbul/Turkey

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