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Swimming in Perth

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Swimming in Perth Empty Swimming in Perth

Post by cottmiler Thu Mar 28, 2019 5:56 pm

We had a super time swimming at Claremont Pool and at Coogee Beach over the last few months. Also did quite a few kms in the Cook and Philip Pool in Sydney.

What struck us was how incredibly bad were the daytime swimmers in the C&P pool compared to Claremont pool! We know we have technique limitations but some of the sights would make you weep!

My 1-2-1 with SwimSmooth was better than a few years ago but my technique was not as good as I had thought it was. It was worth the money though.

My overall conclusion was that I need to master some very basic drills that I have previously shunned rather than spend time on advanced drills.

But there is scope for improvement!


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Join date : 2016-12-07

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Swimming in Perth Empty Re: Swimming in Perth

Post by gregorywannabe Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:50 am

We're still down at Coogee 8:00am Sat mornings cm. Water's starting to get a bit colder though. Last season I was still managing 3k at the end of May, but then headed off to Portugal/Spain for 5 weeks. Others in our group keep swimming all year, some in wetsuits, and some just reduce the distance as it gets colder, i.e. 3k to 1.5k to 750m. I go back to the pool when I can't still get 3k done.



Posts : 37
Join date : 2016-12-08

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