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Nightcrawler's 2020-2021 Season

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Nightcrawler's 2020-2021 Season Empty Nightcrawler's 2020-2021 Season

Post by nightcrawler Mon Feb 03, 2020 8:14 am

Dear My Friends,

I closed the 2019 season with a total of 1160 km (weekly average distance was 24km). I could swam only 10km per week from June to December, because our daughter(Daphne) was born and also I changed 3 jobs in 2019 due to the economic crisis and the situation of the companies in Turkey.

Since 01.01.2020 I have started training regularly, almost everyday, nowadays I went up to an average of 20km per week, and still I can increase the weekly volume a bit more (i.e 25km/week).

My personal best times in 2019:
5000m (1:02:20, in the open water)
4000m (49:50 in the open water)
1500m (18:54, in 25m pool)
1500m (19:15, in 50m pool)
500m (6:13, in 50m pool)

I did not participate in any race in 2019 due to these changes in, I may not participate this year too, as if I have started life again, I am rebuilding everything at the moment. I have taken 8 kilos since June, drinking 5-6 bottles of beer a week and sometimes smoking 2-3 cigarettes a day Crying or Very sad . First I need to loose weight, then I will set the goals related to swimming. That's all for now, I will try to write to the forum regularly...
All the best for all, thanks, Emrah

Today's morning session (03.02.2020 - 6:40-8:00, 25m pool):
5000m freestyle easy pace with paddles for burning fat (1:10:10, average pace:1:24)
1000 6-1-6- drill for cool down

Last edited by nightcrawler on Tue Feb 04, 2020 6:25 pm; edited 5 times in total


Posts : 774
Join date : 2016-12-20
Age : 47
Location : Istanbul/Turkey

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Nightcrawler's 2020-2021 Season Empty Re: Nightcrawler's 2020-2021 Season

Post by Mike A Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:06 am

Congratulations on the arrival of baby Daphne!

For what it's worth, I put on at least 8 kilos when my son was a baby. It's the lack of sleep, makes you comfort-eat! In fact, trying to get back into shape after that was what prompted me to take up swimming again, after 20 years away from the pool.

Anyway, good to see you are still posting times that most of us can only dream of! Despite smoking! Shocked
Mike A
Mike A

Posts : 125
Join date : 2016-12-05

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Nightcrawler's 2020-2021 Season Empty Re: Nightcrawler's 2020-2021 Season

Post by nightcrawler Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:36 am

Thanks for your celebration Mike.

As for taking kilos doctors also say that lack of sleep is the main reason. For the last 4 days I have been swimming 5-6 km a day, I couldn't loose even 1 kilo Crying or Very sad


Posts : 774
Join date : 2016-12-20
Age : 47
Location : Istanbul/Turkey

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