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Choose from these 4 Different Styles!

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Choose from these 4 Different Styles! Empty Choose from these 4 Different Styles!

Post by cottmiler Sun Jun 06, 2021 4:49 pm

This video shows four different styles for fast swimming which I found very interesting.

I think the "horse" style seems easiest for me to do, but we,ll see when I get some more experience in the pool.


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Choose from these 4 Different Styles! Empty Re: Choose from these 4 Different Styles!

Post by Don Wright Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:10 am

It seems to me that there is a subtle "pro" for the "horse" style in that (oh the SS sacrilege!!!)  there is a very brief glide (like a horse's forelegs hit the ground at nearly the same time) when the body is in a more streamlined attitude (arms not disturbing the water flow.  The arm about to start seeking a "catch", is stll reaching ahead while the just recovered arm has caused a bit of disturbance as it enters the water.

  IMO gliding if very brief, is making good use of forward momentum previously gained by arm action. It's all a matter of deciding that momentum is dropping off and arm action is urgently needed to restore decent forward movement.  Do you remember the little comment I made on the SS  forum, about the "flow conflict" that arises if one tries to start the pull of the leading arm before the rear arm has finished it's useful work.  Although according to Maglisch some competitors use that in a desperate rush to the finish!

Don Wright

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Age : 88
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Choose from these 4 Different Styles! Empty Ocean Walker Style

Post by cottmiler Tue Jun 08, 2021 12:41 pm

We have mentioned this before with mixed thoughts but is here for those keen on studying swimming:

Adam Walker came back from bad arm injury to do fantastic swims.

This morning for my second swim for ages I had a good go at this drill.


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Choose from these 4 Different Styles! Empty Re: Choose from these 4 Different Styles!

Post by Don Wright Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:53 am

Thank you "Cott" for reminding me of "Ocean Walker"'s idea  "Don't pull until you are on your side"!  This ties up beautifully with the idea of including a bit of "side-stroke" arm action.  IMO it is so much easier to inhale when doing this because there is little water disturbance - the body roll has already been done before the arm strokes. Also the window for an inhalation seems to be a bit longer, if ones head follows the movement of the stroking arm (looking back a bit as the arm finishes it's upsweep).

Don Wright

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Age : 88
Location : Telford, Shropshire

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Choose from these 4 Different Styles! Empty Re: Choose from these 4 Different Styles!

Post by nightcrawler Mon Nov 15, 2021 8:39 am

cottmiler wrote:This video shows four different styles for fast swimming which I found very interesting.

I think the "horse" style seems easiest for me to do, but we,ll see when I get some more experience in the pool.

Nice post, I use all of them.


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Choose from these 4 Different Styles! Empty Re: Choose from these 4 Different Styles!

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