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Mrs Cott’s 1-2-1 with SwimSmooth

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Mrs Cott’s 1-2-1 with SwimSmooth Empty Mrs Cott’s 1-2-1 with SwimSmooth

Post by cottmiler Thu Feb 21, 2019 2:11 am

After a few weeks back in Blighty, we returned to Perth and Mrs Cott booked in with one of Paul Newsome’s coaches for a thorough stroke analysis in the 50 m pool with underwater photography.

Mrs C was pleased with the coach being a highly competent Rottnest female swimmer (Sally). P.N was unavailable as it happened.

Mrs C was very pleased with the hour and a half session and could highly recommend it. So much so that I am booked in with Sally in due course.

I had had one a few years ago and I think greg here did also and I feel that I will benefit even more this time since I am more knowledgable.

The icing on the cake was a free month’s subscription to the SwimSmooth Guru! We notice there are quite a few SwimSmooth coaches around these days.

Looking over Mrs C’s shoulder, we have started to study the info on it and have found many interesting items. Mrs C had able to do some videos of me swimming in the river and some errors have bee corrected after reference to the Guru.

Sally gave Mrs C a video of her session for later study.


Posts : 460
Join date : 2016-12-07

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